Friday, March 23, 2018

One Dumb still got one dumb dumb

Wayang Quotes
"一笨 還有一笨笨"
The word Dumb in my mind was first use in my Little Toys Runner chat group. I forget it is me or Hidog started to say it. But this word Dumb got interesting meaning if you use it in chat. You can use in any conversation.
Surprisingly this word match in anyway.

Like when you register a atas race, we will say so dumb. When you never go to a fun race, we will say so dumb too. It like when you do something either wrong or right, we still say you so dumb.

Some of my friends in the chat like to post news link,and whenever there is funny news. We will say so dumb. 
Why I mention this word Dumb. I find this word interesting. So just introduce for you runners to use it. Please don't think it a insult, there nothing insult of using a fun word. 
We use this word so often, even you are really dumb. You will not feel it. 

The world is make up of intelligent and dumb people. Without dumb how you know there is smart or clever. 

Sometime dumb is better than smart. Smart people like to win. Like to argue like to make a point on everything. Like you to listen them more than listen to you. Dumb just happy go lucky

Don't get offended when you are call dumb, it just a word. Not like you admit you are dumb. If you are, than you are really dumb. One dumb sure got one dumb dumb. 

Be Brave Be Wayang Dumb. My blog my way Dumb than read my blog 🙊 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Some people really hate running.

Wayang Quote
"You hate people, people hate you. We cant please the world."

photo by Veronica Chia

Do you know once you start running, you will start losing some of your non active friends.
I notice that after I started running. And I am so addicted to running, that whenever I meet my non active friend, I will talk about running. The benefit of it and why don't they join me. But I will get reply like running will spoil you knees (but still can walk), I don't like to run lah all those negative comments. It ok, I just being polite so that my friend will not be left out of the fun. But since they insist not to join me. I need to let them go.
I cant force someone to like what I like. I just like to share the benefit of running.
But there many runner haters out there. Why hate running? I wonder. In the past I think I can understand. Cause if you slowly walking in the park, sudden a yaya runner from behind ask you Siam lah. Like he or she running to give birth. Surely you hate them. Now I think you should not hate runners. Put your hate on electric scooterlist, they will kill you.  Those with loud music one the worst.

But some runners really masterpiece, they run like they own the road. They do not give way. I even heard some runners will not give way till bump into you and never say sorry and continue it run. Maybe some runners think they are too elite. Their time is precious and in a hurry. This I really don't understand, they don't know how to turn to left or right.
As a runner, I think you need to be friendly bah. It just running. 

But human will hate whatever they are not in it. If you just walk, you hate runners. If you just run, you hate cyclist. If you cycle, you hate electric scooter.  The list go on. Anything that block your way you can hate.
Don't waste you time hating the activities. Just try to join in the fun. Don't be rich on money poor on time. By the time you wanted to do something you like maybe too late. My too late mean you getting old. To be honest, how many old people (my old mean 70 years and above) still can run. Not many I guess🙊. 

Be Brave, Be Wayang. My blog views is dropping mean people not interested, so I write less😜. You think easy to write ah😒. I kinder-garden pass only this standard. To write new vocabulary need to study till Primary school first🙈. I hate you😢. Now more concentrate on YouTube😋.
photo by Runcapture

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Why So Kaypoh?

Donate your shoe to this 
 I just Kaypoh to help only, don't ask people beat me up.

Give Shoes Give Love | Soles4Souls

7-15 Apr 2018
Mon - Sun

203 Kallang Bahru, Million Building, Singapore 339340
Level 1, Loading bay

Running is a good sport, a good way to be fit and healthy. And in Running we make many friends. When you have many friends, friends will ask about you and you will ask somethings about friends. That we call it as KAYPOH!

I Google Kaypoh mean -(Singapore) to act as a busybody
From Hokkien 

When I ask something that you don't like to share, you say I kaypoh. When I don't ask the thing that you like to share, you say I don't care about you.

So how to define Kaypoh and concern? Human like to heard what they like to heard only, if something not in their interest, they say you kaypoh. So if I concern about something or someone and ask, mean I am kaypoh. 
So is it kaypoh mean I ask the wrong question at a wrong timing, wrong person or wrong mood. 

At Running Group. Many many kaypoh runners. But are they really Kaypoh, or are they just really care about you so they want to know more? 

Again how you define kaypoh? Please if asking about someone or something is kaypoh, than no one will care you podium or run a PB. No one will stalk your Facebook, No one can ask. Cause that is Kaypoh.

To my thinking kaypoh busybody about someone or something is not harmful at all. Not like gossip that will turn truth into fake. Kaypoh is just asking about someone or something doesn't concern you at all. Like when new year, your relative will ask when will you find a girlfriend? When will you get marry? When will you have baby? But to me it more like a common topic to open up a conversation. 

Kaypoh is just a way to open a conversation. It not easy to talk to someone you not familiar with. So you will use someone you both know and kaypoh about that someone you both know. Example like when suddenly bump into one another in the foodcourt so decided to seat together. Seat together also must talk mah. So will start with hey you know that day Runner X podium? So if Runner X is both our facebook friend than the conversation is open. So that is kaypoh.

be Brave and Kaypoh, Be Wayang and go share my blogs so all runners can kaypoh and donate their shoes.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Anxiety of Running.

Wayang Quotes
"Curiosity kill the cats, Anxiety kill the dogs."
Photo by Kelvin Tan

Running is a sport where we don't need a lot to start with. But sometime when we decided to go for longer distance, our anxiety will rise. Will ask our self have I prepare? have I train enough? Do I need this do I need that? We start to buy this and that. Things that we thought will help. We start to ask this and that from our season running friends for advice. 

Anxiety is a scary things. We can't help it to be worry cause we never really cover that distance before.
Anxiety will make you buy stuff that you think it will help. The more worry you are, the more you buy. The more useless stuff you buy, the more you never will use it.
Many will buy the handheld bottle, waist belt with bottle or even a hydration vest. I think only in trail run you may need it. For road run, the hydration station is enough for you. Anyway you may not even drink that much. 
Really don't let your anxiety make you waste money. What you really need in running is the sportswear, shoes and gps watch. Whatever you bought and never use, all can give it to me. I don't mind take it. 

Anxiety even make you doubt yourself can you finish the race. But in Singapore, the cut off time is so long. Walk also can finish. So don't need to worry. If really scare than go train for it.
Do not be worry to run a race, just have fun in it. What you gain in the race is experiences. The rest not very important. Important is who you experience with. 

Anxiety also can make you cannot sleep. The night before the race, you will worried have you drink enough? have you carbo enough? What happen if I get cramps? Can I maintain that pace? Every crazy problems you can think of. That why Running can make you high. You start drink a lot of coffee, lot of tea, lot of beer. 

Sometime anxiety is a good thing, it make you care of the race you are going. Care of your timing, care of your appearance when you spotted a photographer. 

To say we might be thinking too much. Running is just a hobby, just a sport, just a way to waste some of your time. So that we human will not get bore. If you say it for health. I don't think so. Some run like addiction. Some run just for awareness.

So don't worry, the biggest worry you should concern is you will go bankrupt when you know you join too many races and buy too much stuff and your house too small. 

Be Brave, Be Wayang and give me all your stuff. 
Hello why only 17 subscribers, really you got read or not. No read still gei gei comment got read. Be honest boy, read and comment. Don't forget follow my blog. And I don't have wifi, need to go part time office than can steal their wifi to use. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Old People Run Faster Than You!

Wayang Quote
老是老像红枣 外面皱皱 里面好
Do you have a runner friend who is old but still run faster than you. Old this word sometime to some people is offensive. But if you are old you are old. Just accept it. Old if can run faster than the young. And that something you can be proud of.
I always put myself as old cause I am a veteran runner now. But I like old. Old can bully people. Younger need to respect old. That the rules.
But why some old runner is so fast. Normally when we get older, our timing will decrease cause our bone blood brain muscle all slowing down. But why some still faster. That need years of training. Some is faster also because of race experiences. They know when to overtake? when to speed up?
Getting old is what every human need to go through. No one can really get younger. But if you are old and still can run fast. That a blessing. Must be grateful. Better than end up everyday seat at coffee shop do nothing but gossip or bullshit about your past.
As my age get higher, I think running really help a lot. I don't feel any knee pain or whatever. It the opposite that I feel stronger.
So no need to afraid of aging, just be afraid of dieing.
To the young do learn to respect the old. You may learn something from them. But the old also need to see the youngster differently. Sometime they know more than we. Cause they see the media everyday. Their face only facing their smartphone.
So how to maintain your speed when you get older?
As per normal even getting old the speed work training still needed. In addition, you need to do more core training. Like HIIT or Tabata.
Maintain a Active lifestyle. If you can afford a checkup, do go before you do any speed work. You may look strong outside. But inside may already decay. Too be old and can run fast got many chance for podium. But Singapore not many races got veteran category. The organizer in Singapore want high price in the race but so stingy in Podium category. Give the old a chance to enjoy some victory. The young still got time. We don't have much. Old runners podium can encourage more people to run. Magazine should interview more old people. Already told you we not much time left still don't interview us.
To live longer the secret is not exercise. The secret is relationship. You need to be around with people that support you. That will prolong your life.
Be Brave Be Wayang and grow old without regret. We all die anyway so no need showoff. Just live whatever stinky life you enjoy. Old is good stuff.

Why So Expensive?

Wayang Saying
"If there no road, dig one out"

Singapore Running event prices are get higher and higher each year. What wrong with the organizer? They really only want to make atas runner business. Do you know almost every week also got running event, some is vertical some is spartan some is fun run and some competitive run. And also Ultras. But why the price getting higher and higher? 

First organize a running event not a easy task. You need many manpower and logistic. Before the race, the organizer need to book the venue, set a date so that you all can register. Collect payment, sort all data. Find sponsor, tentage, ambulance, host, so call VIP that I dont really care(they always delay the flag off), volunteers, signal, the running route, the road block, the media awareness, pacers, drinks, where to place hydration station, many many things all need money. That why it a business that is hard work. If organize a Ultra like Craze really a mafan job. But why every year the price keep rising. This you must ask the organizer, how I know?

All I know is if prices keep going up. Eventually we poor runners will find others alternative. And there is many.
Some say go Malaysia race cheaper(I dont think so), some say go CC race cheap, some say just go running group and run it free. Some wait for free bibs like me. Some just organize free event. Really organizer. We really got many alternative to choose. 

I think organizers also need to think alternative. Cant just rise the price and solve problem. You not Goverment. Can just give less stuff or no t shirt just medal. Or sell more merchandise or can intake more people to run. There is  this story, a pepper seller ask a guy how can he sell more pepper but don't increase the cost. That smart guy think and say to him. The holes of the pepper bottle make it bigger. So people will use more pepper and you will sell more. Just let more runner register but in low price, even your event at the end suck. What can the runners do? They only just complain and you still keep the money. As long the price is low and we have fun, that more important. 

For the runner they will compare price. Worst come to worst they just don't even join. If no runner run than this is a bad business.
To me if i see a race only $10, I will not even think and straight register. But if more than that. Will find alternative. That how runner come and go. Now come lesser go more. Beware one day when runners getting less and less and all go for free Zumba than Race Organizer can just organize and run themselves.

Be Brave and also Be Wayang, Organizers dont boycott me, I only saying the truth. Dont be small air. To be big think bigger. Try to think as a consumer. I mean the average wage consumer. Not the atas register can dont go those consumer. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Walk also faster than you!

Wayang Quote
"Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time"

When I started running, I thought running a race is cannot stop. Really and when I saw runners walking I thought I am in the wrong race. I mean you run all the way cannot walk. That why in my mind I say to myself no walking. But after run a few Ultras. I see many run walk run walk. 
Running a long distance race sometime we will walk. So don't worry about a Ultra race in Singapore. Its like going to a gathering to meet friend and walk together hand holding hand. Walking is like eating rice or shitting so normal. But some runner really walk like run. I think you should know who if you go Ben's Ultra races. But why they walk faster than you? It all come down to one thing. Walking got less impact on your legs, you don't lift your legs so high. Walking also will not rise your heart-rate fast. So energy can be contain. If you don't like to run but wanted to overtake a runner, try race walking. 

I ever train myself for race walking but you need to change all you moving pose so I stop. Race walking and speed running cannot mixed. I choose speed. And race walking really a bit sissy. You must have a nice ass to walk gracefully.  But if you don't mind the attention. Than race walking can replace running so that you no excuses say "I cannot run,my knee hurts or your gu gu hurt."
Or you can try my friend Guru, Tejo,  Ravi or Kim Lai style. They not race walk, but they walk really faster than anyone. I try to copy by only for short distance. If you try walking such pattern a long distance like them. You may get injure. They train years for it. My fastest speed for walking is about 8 min /km that the best I can do. But cannot last. 

So if you don't like to run can walk, don't tell me you walking also got problem. If walk also lazy please don't go out. Stay at home wait someone carry you out. Or go buy a electric scooter and kill someone. I thought electric wheels is for the convenient of old people, not people who can walk still prefer not to. So hard to be active meh!

Be Brave no need Wayang in walking, Running not your cup of coffee, go walk, you can find many free hiking or walking groups in meetup or Facebook event. That will be a start. When you very experience, you may be the faster Johnny Walker in Singapore. I don't say the world cause I don't travel.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Give Many Reason 理由多过肉油

Finding a reason - photo by Tan Kim Lai
Wayang Quote
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. You want twice also don't have."

If you like running, you will give many reason to yourself and other that running is good. Just like if you love drinking Beer. You will give reason that drinking make you strong. Human are funny. When they love something even it bad, they will give themselves reason to make it good.

In the past, I am a heavy smoker. I smoke two pack a day. And when you a smoker, you will hang out with smoker. As a smoker will say that non smoker will not understand. Just like a Cow say to a Tiger that tiger will not understand why a Cow must eat grass. And Cow will not understand why a Tiger must eat meat.
Everyone know smoking is bad. Even retard also know. But we give ourselves a reason to smoke. I quit smoking not because it bad. It because I can't afford it. That a simple good reason for me to quit. A pack for $10 you shock plug is it. 

This blog is not about smoker. It about human simply like to reasoning everything they feel in their way. It may be unreasoning to you but to some it reasonable to do things that is bad but they make it good in some way. It like we know it wrong but we still do it. We give a reason to do it.
Since human like to give reason to do bad things, why not just give a reason to be active. To have a life worth living. Remember you got only one life, one body. Even you don't like your body. It still yours to have. If you hate your body, do something about it in a healthy way. Don't give reason that I was born like that. Any things also can change. It just a habit. If you don't like your face, go change it. 
My topic is reason, have you ever know someone who is always right, never wrong. Whatever he or she say anything always right, never wrong. You can't say win him or her cause he or her sure got many reason that they are right. Even they are wrong they still reasoning it till it is right. They only want you to listen to them but will not listen to you. They are like born a encyclopedia, everything they know like they experience it before. They are super google search engine.
If you always want to be right, talk to the tree. you always win. - photo by Tan Kim Lai
Finding a good reason to do something is not a bad thing. that how human stay alive, a reason to live. 

Be Brave Be Wayang, you are not always right you know. and always right gain you nothing. only lost more friends.

hello why still only so less subscribers. and follower all go where. hurry up subs and follow before I lost interest in blogging.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Goals of Running

Wayang Saying
"If you really want to do something you'll find a way"

In the beginning, when I first started running. My only goal is to make a 100km run. Even I never run so far before. My mind keep wanted this goal to complete. And at that time my longest run is only 21km. I don't even been to a full marathon. But again my mind told me I need to do a 100. At my time a 100km is something. I think now anyone also can do a 100km. But because my mind keep thinking of it. In the end I complete a 100km. It feel great that I achieve my goal. But I get injure from that. 

For being a runner, you need to have a goal in running. Weather( whether correction by Eugene Teo) its a 5km 10km half full or oversea run. Set a goal. Like Boston qualified. Train for it. If you like trail set a goal. Go for all the great mountain than bankrupt.
My point is if you do not set a target. Slowly you get bore of running. Running is a process of growing. To be a better man. To learn to reach for something you want it badly but legally.
You can set different goal like find a wife, goal to be a event organizer, goal to be a running coach( even you not certified), goal to be famous in Instagram, goal to run 1000km, goal to write a book about running, goal to come out a running T Shirt.

As long as you aim at it. It will succeed one day. The secret is patience.
Goal not only about running. Set it in hiking, climbing, kayaking everything in life. So that you will have something to move forward. Write it down on you house wall. Use a permanent maker. Look at it everyday until you depress and become crazy.  

If you do not know what goal, set a small one first. Than slowly set a big one that you can't reach. Don't set something like I want to be a Superman but your face look like Wonder woman. 

I always say you cant make it, than fake it. But goal cannot fake. If you fail, you try again. And again and again.
Please don't tell me your goal is to be rich or millionaire. That not a goal. That is a need. Cause we need money to survive. That all. If you want to be rich so can buy goal. Than that is cheating. It like you want to run a marathon but using electric scooter. 

Go set something you can achieve, slowly go bigger target. If you got legs you can run, if no still can run. Only need to make believe that you can do it. Running is really fun. Don't miss out or you will regret.

Be Brave be Wayang be monkey or orangutan I don't care, just be yourself.

Tampines hub 2.4km Run

Long time no write blog cause after the 160km Virtual run than I go for my third vaccine jab. After the jap I got frozen shoulder and heel ...