Wayang Quotes
"Curiosity kill the cats, Anxiety kill the dogs."
Photo by Kelvin Tan |
Running is a sport where we don't need a lot to start with. But sometime when we decided to go for longer distance, our anxiety will rise. Will ask our self have I prepare? have I train enough? Do I need this do I need that? We start to buy this and that. Things that we thought will help. We start to ask this and that from our season running friends for advice.
Anxiety is a scary things. We can't help it to be worry cause we never really cover that distance before.
Anxiety will make you buy stuff that you think it will help. The more worry you are, the more you buy. The more useless stuff you buy, the more you never will use it.
Many will buy the handheld bottle, waist belt with bottle or even a hydration vest. I think only in trail run you may need it. For road run, the hydration station is enough for you. Anyway you may not even drink that much.
Really don't let your anxiety make you waste money. What you really need in running is the sportswear, shoes and gps watch. Whatever you bought and never use, all can give it to me. I don't mind take it.
Anxiety even make you doubt yourself can you finish the race. But in Singapore, the cut off time is so long. Walk also can finish. So don't need to worry. If really scare than go train for it.
Do not be worry to run a race, just have fun in it. What you gain in the race is experiences. The rest not very important. Important is who you experience with.
Anxiety also can make you cannot sleep. The night before the race, you will worried have you drink enough? have you carbo enough? What happen if I get cramps? Can I maintain that pace? Every crazy problems you can think of. That why Running can make you high. You start drink a lot of coffee, lot of tea, lot of beer.
Sometime anxiety is a good thing, it make you care of the race you are going. Care of your timing, care of your appearance when you spotted a photographer.
To say we might be thinking too much. Running is just a hobby, just a sport, just a way to waste some of your time. So that we human will not get bore. If you say it for health. I don't think so. Some run like addiction. Some run just for awareness.
So don't worry, the biggest worry you should concern is you will go bankrupt when you know you join too many races and buy too much stuff and your house too small.
Be Brave, Be Wayang and give me all your stuff.
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