Wayang Saying
"If you really want to do something you'll find a way"
In the beginning, when I first started running. My only goal is to make a 100km run. Even I never run so far before. My mind keep wanted this goal to complete. And at that time my longest run is only 21km. I don't even been to a full marathon. But again my mind told me I need to do a 100. At my time a 100km is something. I think now anyone also can do a 100km. But because my mind keep thinking of it. In the end I complete a 100km. It feel great that I achieve my goal. But I get injure from that.
For being a runner, you need to have a goal in running. Weather( whether correction by Eugene Teo) its a 5km 10km half full or oversea run. Set a goal. Like Boston qualified. Train for it. If you like trail set a goal. Go for all the great mountain than bankrupt.
My point is if you do not set a target. Slowly you get bore of running. Running is a process of growing. To be a better man. To learn to reach for something you want it badly but legally.
You can set different goal like find a wife, goal to be a event organizer, goal to be a running coach( even you not certified), goal to be famous in Instagram, goal to run 1000km, goal to write a book about running, goal to come out a running T Shirt.
As long as you aim at it. It will succeed one day. The secret is patience.
Goal not only about running. Set it in hiking, climbing, kayaking everything in life. So that you will have something to move forward. Write it down on you house wall. Use a permanent maker. Look at it everyday until you depress and become crazy.
If you do not know what goal, set a small one first. Than slowly set a big one that you can't reach. Don't set something like I want to be a Superman but your face look like Wonder woman.
I always say you cant make it, than fake it. But goal cannot fake. If you fail, you try again. And again and again.
Please don't tell me your goal is to be rich or millionaire. That not a goal. That is a need. Cause we need money to survive. That all. If you want to be rich so can buy goal. Than that is cheating. It like you want to run a marathon but using electric scooter.
Go set something you can achieve, slowly go bigger target. If you got legs you can run, if no still can run. Only need to make believe that you can do it. Running is really fun. Don't miss out or you will regret.
Be Brave be Wayang be monkey or orangutan I don't care, just be yourself.
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