Wayang Quotes
"一笨 還有一笨笨"
"一笨 還有一笨笨"

Surprisingly this word match in anyway.
Like when you register a atas race, we will say so dumb. When you never go to a fun race, we will say so dumb too. It like when you do something either wrong or right, we still say you so dumb.
Some of my friends in the chat like to post news link,and whenever there is funny news. We will say so dumb.
Why I mention this word Dumb. I find this word interesting. So just introduce for you runners to use it. Please don't think it a insult, there nothing insult of using a fun word.
We use this word so often, even you are really dumb. You will not feel it.
The world is make up of intelligent and dumb people. Without dumb how you know there is smart or clever.
Sometime dumb is better than smart. Smart people like to win. Like to argue like to make a point on everything. Like you to listen them more than listen to you. Dumb just happy go lucky
Don't get offended when you are call dumb, it just a word. Not like you admit you are dumb. If you are, than you are really dumb. One dumb sure got one dumb dumb.
Be Brave Be Wayang Dumb. My blog my way Dumb than read my blog 🙊
Haha 😆