When I started, I also blur blur why the runners keep saying to me, did you PB?
I thought they ask me did I go PB pump petrol.
But why so many runner so obsess with PB. Improve by few second happy like just give birth. Try run for few years you will be bore of PB.
Really what is personal best. Its just a timing that you think you have improve. Why I say you think. Cause if you run a 10km of Mount Faber hill and your timing is 1 hr 30 min. Than you go run East Coast Park also 10km and timing is 1 hr, are you saying to me you PB. Both is 10km, so you are telling me you improve by 30min. No right! Any kids also know the calculation is not right. One is a hill run one is flat road. So this cannot consider PB.
Even you run a race event, same 10km but route is different also cannot consider PB right.
To consider a PB, you must run a same route same distance than consider PB.
Even you run a race event, same 10km but route is different also cannot consider PB right.
To consider a PB, you must run a same route same distance than consider PB.
I think PB is just gimmick wording. Yes if you train sure timing will improve more or less. This common sense. If train cant improve mean something wrong.
You ever run a race event that say 10km but the route when you run only 9. Something km or less. I got a Runner friend say he PB 5km 20min but the actual distance only 4.2km. So you are telling me this also call PB. No right. Monkey also can count.
Really to get a PB not that hard. Just need to pace yourself the timing you want. But a realistic timing. That you can reach. Than train for it. Try do more tempo run.
If you want to have a real PB, try 5km Park Run at East Coast or West Coast every Saturday morning. They run the same route with timing. I wonder when will Park Run go to Punggol?
PB really not that important, important is a you run safe. If you feel like going fast. Please be my guest. If not just relax relax run.
What the hoo hah if everyone also PB. It like old news. If you really want a Facebook awareness. Go for DNF, sure many comments.
What the hoo hah if everyone also PB. It like old news. If you really want a Facebook awareness. Go for DNF, sure many comments.
Don't aim for PB, go aim Podium.
Be Brave all go first wave and Wayang Podium. Cannot Podium got photo in-front also not bad.
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