Wayang Quote
"Birds born in a cage think flying is a illness."

And you can see many non active friends or relative start unfollow your FB. That understandable. I think in their mind they thought that I everyday also got fun things to do or event to run. They cant take it keep seeing you so happy go here go there. Hello I also see my friend fly here fly there. I no passport also no fly here and there. I so old don't even know how to book a hotel. But this topic is about why so many event to go.
First you need to know. When you are single and non active. You will always stay home do nothing. Maybe download drama and see or watch porn. But after few years staying like a prisoner you will start to depress. Going out is the solution. But you got no friend and where can you go? I started by using a app call meetup. I pay for the event so that I will force myself to go. Even I don't like that event at all. That is just a start. But if you don't like to pay, now activesg and many CC got free event you can go to. Don't be afraid that you don't know anyone there. The people who going to the event many also dumb dumb don't know anyone. The more time you go, the more people you will know. This is the start to be active, once you are active, you life will change. You be more happy. Believe me. So don't jelly I go so many event. Now many I go is free. Just look out for Facebook Event, meetup and CC. Event is always there. You just need to go.
And there is so many free running group to join. It just take you and hour or two. If you dont like running can just go there wayang wayang to make friends. If running not you cup of tea. Than go coffee like Zumba, dragonboat, HIIT workout, Torture Camp, Walking, Hiking, Yoga, just go out. I don't care. You keep on jelly my FB.
Be Brave, but you no need Be Wayang.not your style.
If you like my blog,please share it. Don't selfish only your see yourself. I not asking money from you. So hard to shared meh?
If you like my blog,please share it. Don't selfish only your see yourself. I not asking money from you. So hard to shared meh?
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